Using SmartfadeML with Windows PC

Hello everyone,

I have just purchased a SmartfadeML and I've been trying to control it (and my lights) using the free software available online:

With my actual SmartfadeML hooked up to my PC via USB I open the software on my computer (I do not have to choose which device I have) and it automatically knows I am using the SmartfadeML. According to this ETC video at 0:54 it means it reads my device perfectly

I am lost beyond that point, and have not been able to move forward. Can I control my device with a computer, or at least monitor what I am doing on the actual board?

Again, I'm a bit new at this. If anyone is able to help, I would really appreciate it. THANK YOU!

  • I use it for monitoring - and I'm not sure, but I think you can use the virtual faders found there just as you would the actual ones on the console, but I'm not near a console to confirm this. (Anyone?)

    If it's automatically selecting the ML as your console, it's seeing the console as being connected. You should have an "online" indicator at the top of the screen, just right of center (depending on your screen's size/resolution, anyway). If you see that, then there should be live readouts on the screen for whatever tab you have open (if you're on the patch screen, and change the patch, you should see the change almost immediately - if you change levels, and you're on Live or Playback tabs, you should see stuff move as well.)

    I used to think the PC software was a decadence, but now I can't see how I got along without it. It adds so much to the console's functionality and ease of use.

  • I've used it to control as well as monitor.

    It's good to keep in mind that the console is ALWAYS in charge of the DMX. The software tells the console what to do. If you lose connection with the PC then the console just keeps the show going.

    FYI - See a related post today on Capture Polar.

  • Hello and thank you for your response!

    Instead of an "online," I get an "Offline" in blue letters on the top.

    Do I have to click something on my SmarfadeML so that my software changes to online?


  • Nothing needs doing if the connection is good. In other words you can't disconnect without unplugging.

    I suspect you have a software version mismatch. I suggest calling tech support after you back up the show file(s) ! They can walk you through updating the console.
