User personality bug?

I just had an issue creating a new personality for a simple RGBA fixture. I eventually dropped the special functions and just used the generic profile so this is more of "what went wrong" question. Several times I erased and rebuilt the profile, but it never really worked.

It seems the color parameter choice wouldn't stay where I put it. All it needed was 5 addresses R,G,B,A,Int. Sometimes Red wouldn't stay so offset 1 did nothing. Other times Red & Green were stubborn, but Blue, Amber and Intensity never had problems.

The closest I can guess is that pausing while selecting Amber or Blue somehow deselected the Red or Green from the first offsets.

Anyone else see this?

  • Hi Richard,


    Been having the same issue.  Watch the value in offset while programming.  I'm now on second (new) desk and both randomly change the value of offset while programming ( it chooses 5 or 6)  which means by the time you've got to selecting and loading the parameter for offset it loads to 5 never actually assigning what you want to where you need it!  3 days of my life, toasted.



  • Hi Richard,


    Been having the same issue.  Watch the value in offset while programming.  I'm now on second (new) desk and both randomly change the value of offset while programming ( it chooses 5 or 6)  which means by the time you've got to selecting and loading the parameter for offset it loads to 5 never actually assigning what you want to where you need it!  3 days of my life, toasted.



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