Fan Linear Effect with Int,

Im using a Smartfade ML, When i apply a linear effect to pan or tilt i can fan it, but when i apply it to the Intensity Channels of a Device it doesn't fan. Is there a way to make it fan Linear Int. effects?

  • I ran into the same problem a while back on this console. I may be wrong, but I don't think it allows you to fan that kind of effect. My way around this was creating a sequence for the intensity "chase" persay. Just set your intensities of your moving lights, and mask out all other parameters. Then you can set a BPM, fade time, etc. 


  • I ran into the same problem a while back on this console. I may be wrong, but I don't think it allows you to fan that kind of effect. My way around this was creating a sequence for the intensity "chase" persay. Just set your intensities of your moving lights, and mask out all other parameters. Then you can set a BPM, fade time, etc. 


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