Device Personality file for Multi head LED devices with a single start address


Just getting into the SmartfadeML and Smartsoft combo and dived straight into creating personalities for series of fixtures I own.

They are a 4bar of Tri-LED heads which when switched to mode 6 will display the following DMX allocation table:

Ch  Att

1    macro

2    intensity (all heads)

3   Strobe all heads

4    R1

5    G1

6     B1

7     R2

8     G2

9     B2

10   R3

11   G3

12   B3

13   R4

14   G4

15   B4

I gather that from the way the desk & software are responding it doesn't like more than one colour mix (RGB) instance in a device.

Is it also normal for the values of offsets to randomly change as you're trying to map parameters?

The only way I can get the device to work is to map the colour channels to other parameters and select these to follow intensity.

Any suggestions or did I totally miss something in the set-up?



  • SmartFade ML only supports one intensity and one set of colour mixing attributes per device.

    I would suggest patching this as four or five separate devices - eg one Macro/Int/Strobe/RGB plus three Generic>RGB.

  • Richard said:

    SmartFade ML only supports one intensity and one set of colour mixing attributes per device.

    I would suggest patching this as four or five separate devices - eg one Macro/Int/Strobe/RGB plus three Generic>RGB.

    AS I thought, thanks.  OK your suggestion to patch as separate devices.  Each device requires an intensity channel so if I create the personality file it will look something like this?:

    1:macro, 2:Int, 3:Strobe, 4:R, 5:G, 6:B.

    1:none , 2:Int, 3:none,4:none,5:none, 6:None, 7:R, 8:G, 9:B.

    and so on with offset for RGB....

    Then patch all 4 devices with same start address?


    Thanks again for your response, next comes the RGBW version.



  • again Hello,

    OK I'm finding the operating system to be just a little bit buggy!

    When programming User personalities the Offset field keeps varying the offset generally favouring offset 5 & 6 so it randomly changes the offset while programming leading to a VERY frustrating programming process!!!!!!

    The system is running version - Library version 7.5.3

    Is there any validation and save process while programming User Personalities or better yet an off line editor that allows users to EASILY create new personalities because, really, the desk based system SUCKS!

    Thanks in anticipation of your lightning fast responses.


  • It sounds like you're nudging faders while working on personalities.

    The SFML user personality editor works like this:

    1. Choose Color Mix method with the [More] button (None, CMY/RGB/RAGB)
    2. Choose Offset by either:
      • Spin the left-hand dial.
      • Move the Fader numbered with that offset.
        If you move a fader, Offset jumps to that fader number and the console outputs the fader's level on that DMX offset.
        This helps you figure out how an unknown fixture works, and is a very easy way to set the "Home" value for an attribute.
    3. Choose Home value by spinning the middle dial or moving the fader for the Offset.
    4. Press the bump button to assign the current Offset to the Attribute by the button.
    5. Repeat 2-4 until done
    6. Hit [Tick] for Fade-With-Intensity and Invert options (if needed)
    7. Hit [<] a couple of times or [<<] to come out of the personality editor when finished.
    8. Patch the device.

    Some important notes:

    You only ever assign attributes the fixture actually has.

    If the fixture does not have an Intensity, do not assign anything to the Intensity fader.
    Instead, hit [Tick] for more options, [Tick] to choose "Fade With Int." then toggle the bumps for the attributes that need to Fade to give you Intensity.

    Fixtures that are already patched are never altered.


    SmartSoft is a complete offline editor as well as an online display/control. Click the console icon at the top to get a virtual console.

    There is already an LED RGB fixture in the console, use that one. It's under the Generic manufacturer.

    Patch the fixture as (Master)(RGB1)(RGB2)(RGB3)(RGB4), concatenated.

    Or easier, choose a mode where it has no "master" function and just patch a Generic > LED RGB device for each 'cell'.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:47 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 17 2012]
  • Hi Richard thanks for the comprehensive response.


    The faders ARE NOT being nudged, this units simply randomly alters offset to 5 or 6...?

    HOME value what does it represent? In the case of say RGB does R Home = offset level of 100%?

    Personally, rather than plough through a wonderful GUI is there a way of simple editing the attributes table data?  It's simple value entry stuff taken from one table to another.

    RGBW? These chinese devices have RGBW it kind of works in RAGB mode.  I'm finding that the personality doesn't work UNLESS I create a virtual fader channel, In this case creating ch5 (offset5) as Intensity.  I will re-read and work through your comments.


    Thanks again!

  • Even using the Virtual ML on Smartoft the value of Offset resets, randomly to offsets 5 & 6 while TRYing to program parameters to offsets...I think this brand new desk is a little jittery, your thoughts?



  • I think this is getting beyond what we can check on a forum, we can probably help more over the phone.

    Can you give your local ETC office a call?

    For technical support in the Americas, please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116.
    For technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000.
    For technical support in Germany, please call (+49) 8024 4700-0
    For technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220.

  • Many thanks Richard, your suggestions have been incredibly helpful, the desk has a problem, Jands have been contacted and a replacement is coming for a quick exchange.  I simply hope that it is a tiny gremlin on those two faders that's triggering a software response and that it's symptom of nothing more, I have a show to write and run..



  • Hi Richard,


    Post script:  Replacement desk shipped from Jands Australia.  It arrived and presents with EXACTLY the same problem. This suggests that the desk and or software have a production fault.  Offset value in user profile edit randomly changes to 5 (or 6).  This occurs only when desk is live and online or running solo.  Issue doesn't appear in SmartSoft Offline and disconnected.

    Minor error but it makes programming nearly impossible.


    ATB boffins

  • My SFML also jumps to offset 6 randomly when creating a user personality.  Bit of a pain - and it would appear that this is a common fault.  Is this a Hardware or software fault?? 


    [edited by: stix at 4:32 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 1 2013]
  • Hello to everybody I have the same problem since I bought the consolle two years ago. I also pointed out in the forum and many other users have experienced the same problem in creating user personality.
