American dj inno beam led/


is there a personality available for this fixture,or maybe one in the pipeline ?

 making a user personality, how do i input a 4 colour led fixture ie, RGBW..(I have figured out the rgb but not sure where to put the white hmmmmmm ...

also fixtures with no master intensity chanell how do I input those in order for them to work with master black out...(at the moment i am running them as dimmers till i figure this out )

any help greatly appreciated thanks !



  • "White" attributes aren't included in the colour mixing engine, we decided it should be up to you to choose the amount of white emitter you wanted.

    Just assign it to a suitable colour fader - the library fixtures use fader #7

    To get the console to create its own 'virtual' Master Intensity parameter, turn on "Fade With Intensity" for the parameters that should fade with the 'virtual' Intensity.

    While editing a personality template, hit [Tick] for more options and choose the Fade With Intensity, [Tick] then toggle on the bump buttons for the appropriate parameters.

  • Hi there,

    I stumbled across this whilst searching for the same info; re RGBW personalities for the SmartfadeML.

    I'm rather dissatisfied with your response; RGBW fixtures represent a fundamental leap in LED lighting technology as they allow the intensity to be maintained while adjusting saturation.. so to have the white function on a separate fader outside of the colour mixing engine is to deny a particularly powerful feature of all current LED technology.  My entire LED lighting inventory is RGBW, including moving RGBW heads that I'll need to write user personalities for.  I've just purchased the Smartfade ML to suit the small corporate shows with four movers and a dozen LED fixtures that otherwise required a top model desk, but my operators are very quickly going to set it aside and demand larger consoles for small shows again if they cannot adjust the white channel as part of the in-built colour mixing engine.

    Is this likely to be included in future software releases?

    It would be good to know.


  • We tested this out extensively and found that it was a bad idea for the console to automatically add a 'white' emitter without knowing the specifics of the emitter. We found it made it harder to get the colour you wanted.

    Accurate colour calibration data is needed for this to work in a useful way, so the White emitter is only used on the larger consoles (Eos and Congo) for their colour-calibrated fixtures.
    - The reason is that a "White" LED is a very complex colour, and there are a great many different 'whites'.

    As it's a small console, SFML doesn't have the memory or processing power for per-fixture colour calibration.

    The latest SFML extended fixture library is here - v9.0.0 is the newest as of this post.
    If your moving lights aren't in there, let us know which fixtures you have and we can add them to the library for you to copy into your console.

  • We tested this out extensively and found that it was a bad idea for the console to automatically add a 'white' emitter without knowing the specifics of the emitter. We found it made it harder to get the colour you wanted.

    Accurate colour calibration data is needed for this to work in a useful way, so the White emitter is only used on the larger consoles (Eos and Congo) for their colour-calibrated fixtures.
    - The reason is that a "White" LED is a very complex colour, and there are a great many different 'whites'.

    As it's a small console, SFML doesn't have the memory or processing power for per-fixture colour calibration.

    The latest SFML extended fixture library is here - v9.0.0 is the newest as of this post.
    If your moving lights aren't in there, let us know which fixtures you have and we can add them to the library for you to copy into your console.

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