SmartFade ML Firmware Upgrade Request(s)

Okay, so unfortunately, I'm stuck using a SFML console and having to constantly push it to it's limits. I was wondering if some of my requests could be maybe put into consideration for the next firmware upgrade. Some of these things may be too much to ask for, but I suppose it's worth a try, right?

1. The ability to be able to program sequences in the stack. If you were able to program complete "looks" into the stack, that would be even better. For example: I have FOH light on memory 1. An LED color fade sequence on memory 13, and let's say a few more conventional fixtures on memory 12. I would set how I want te stage to look using the memory & sequence faders, and then program that "look" persay, into the stack. Maybe doing a REC SEL or REC ALL function when adding programs to the stack. Like I said, this may be way out of the ball park crazy. 

2. The ability to have a different stack for each page of memories. Or a number of stacks that can be saved/recalled easily and quickly without changing showfiles. For example: in a concert setting,  a stack for song one, a stack for song two, etc. 

3. An overall "revamped" effect library. I find the way things are currently, the effect engine can be quite aggravating when programming with moving lights & LEDs. Also, when running an effect, it becomes a challenge to stop the effect when it's programmed into a memory. I have to constantly hold CLEAR and EFFECT to stop the effect in the middle of a show. 

4. The ability to store/recall a palette and apply it to new or existing fixtures. 


There are a few more little things that could use some improvement in my opinion, but the above mentioned are some of my biggest "wants." I understand this console isn't the greatest, and what I'm asking for may be too much, but these are my thoughts. I'm not sure this is posted in the right place, or if posting it is useful to anyone..



  • Hi there -

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately the first two items are not possible on SmartFade ML.

    For #3, have you tried programming the "Stop" effect into memories where you don't want effects running? Like any other parameter, the effects run until they are told to stop (a light would stay blue until you told it to be some other color as well).

    I'm not sure I understand the problem in #4 - SFML does have palettes for focus color and beam. Do you mean you would prefer that these behave as global palettes (by type) rather than by device? I'm afraid this is also not possible in SFML.

    Unfortunately you're running into some of the limitations of the smallest console in our portfolio. We do appreciate the feedback though.

    Thanks very much -


  • Hi there -

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately the first two items are not possible on SmartFade ML.

    For #3, have you tried programming the "Stop" effect into memories where you don't want effects running? Like any other parameter, the effects run until they are told to stop (a light would stay blue until you told it to be some other color as well).

    I'm not sure I understand the problem in #4 - SFML does have palettes for focus color and beam. Do you mean you would prefer that these behave as global palettes (by type) rather than by device? I'm afraid this is also not possible in SFML.

    Unfortunately you're running into some of the limitations of the smallest console in our portfolio. We do appreciate the feedback though.

    Thanks very much -

