Help using a SmartFade ML and ChromaQ ColorForce 72s

Right now I'm faced with the task of running 4 ColorForce 72s on a SmartFade ML board. My problem is this, for those unfamiliar with the ColorForce 72s, they are divided up into 12 sections that are able to be independently controlled. My goal is to be able to control each section individually.

What I would like to do is be able to use the SmartFade board to create a simple intensity effect where starting on one side of the light bar it will dim, the channels (1-12) in a sine wave fashion.

Among my other issues are the fact that I can't get the ColorForce lights to mix colors in a controlled manner.

For instance I am fine with the way they mix colors when bringing up a memory fader while another one is currently running. That part works in my opinion pretty great. The problem comes when I don't have any faders up and try to bring one up.


Take this as an example, I am running a show and go finish out a song in which I have up bright white on the color bars. Then at the end of the song I blackout for a video, then when the video is over I bring up a fader that sets all the bars to red for a speaker on stage.

The issue there is that when I bring up the fader white was still in memory so it starts the color as white while i'm bring up the fader and then fades into red.


Basically i'm looking for help on any or all of these situations, any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Hi there -

    I'm assuming that patching your fixtures was not one of the issues you needed to have solved, since you mention the color fading issue later on. Please correct this assumption if it is wrong...

    Regarding the color issue, have you taken a look at GO MODE? If you press the GO MODE key before you want to change your lights to Red, then press the bump button for that memory to execute only the non-intensity attributes of that memory, you can then use the fader to raise the intensity. You can turn GO MODE on and off at will, in case you want the "follow the fader" type of operation for other parts of your show.

    Regarding the intensity effect  - Linear effects can run on intensity and they are described on page 54 of the user manual. Can you provide details on what troubles you're having with them?

    Thanks much -


  • My only problem with Go mode and intensity mode is if i make a change it jumps to it. it doesn't do it gradually. For instance if I use intensity mode and dim a scene then turn off intensity mode if i touch the fader it jumps back to where it was from the get go.


    I just haven't been able to get intensity effects to work at all. This board was purchased for my church and the church handled all the unpacking of it and such, so I have no manual to go off of.

  • The manual is a free download (PDF) from the ETC website, you can find it here.

    You'll also find firmware updates and the accompanying SmartSoft (Offline Editor/Online HUD) software for Mac and PC there.
    - Which version of SmartFade ML firmware do you currently have?

    [edited by: Richard at 2:27 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 17 2012]