New to lighting. I Cant get Venue thinpar 64 to pach. **HELP** Smartfade ML

I have a whole light bar full (20 lights) of Venue thinpar 64  and I can't get any of them to patch using a Smartfade ML. I have set Dmx chanels 7 addresses apart because I'm using 7 chanel setting. When I try and patch device in device wisard Venue is not listed and I am not finding a place to set up my own.

This is the launch of a new building for our church and our first service is in 24hours.

I have been at this for 3+ hours and feel more lost then before I started. please help

[edited by: JoelB at 6:14 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Oct 26 2012]
  • You'll have to create your own profile for these fixtures. Go to Menu > Patch > Patch Devices > User Personalities. Select 1-20, Then so you can see what you're patching to what parameter, set the universe and DMX address on the left LCD. Hit Yes, then scroll until you find "Erase and Make New." Then select your color mixing capability (if applicable). Flip through channels 1-7 and see what you've got. then go through channel by channel and select the flashing green button to which you want to patch the parameter to. Continue this process until you have successfully patched all 7 channels of your fixture. Then select YES and select the parameters you wish to fade with intensity. Then select exit. Go back through the menu to the Patch Wizard, and patch from User Personalities : and whatever number 1-20 you selected before creating your fixture personality. Continue with the regular patching process. Sorry if some of this doesn't make 100% sense, I'm not currently in front of a console. I believe there is a section in the manual for this. Let me know if you get it!


  • I will have to give that a try! I ended up switching to 3 channel RGB and using that generic device on the board. but I would rather have the 7 channel based on what it can do. 


