SmartSoft (beta) demo show

SmartSoft includes a demo show.  This was added late and did not make it into the other instructions.  The demo show is useful for first-time users to get to know the way SmartSoft works with a SmartFade ML console.

Also included is a stand-alone run-time version of Capture for a visualisation of the show.  No Capture license is needed to run this.

Both the showfile (DEMOTHEA.ASC) and capture file (SmartSoft DemoTheatre.exe) are located in the ...C:/Program Files/ETC/SmartSoft/Examples folder. 

Load the show into SmartSoft (on the System tab, File Open) or place it on an SD card and load directly into the console.

Double Click the icon for SmartSoft DemoTheatre.exe to run the Capture visualizer. 

If you have a dual screen computer you may operate SmartSoft on one and Capture on the other.  If you only have one screen then open SmartSoft, which will take up the entire screen, Press Ctrl-Esc to reveal the Windows task bar, select the location of the capture file in My Computer and run it on top of the SmartSoft screen.

Your PC must be on a network (for instance the Internet) for the link between SmartSoft and Capture to operate.  If you do not have a network then follow these steps to activate your PCs network software:

Manual installation
To manually install the Microsoft Loopback adapter in Windows XP, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. If you are in Classic view, click Switch to Category View under Control Panel in the left pane.
3. Double-click Printers and Other Hardware, and then click Next.
4. Under See Also in the left pane, click Add Hardware,and then click Next.
5. Click Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and then click Next.
6. At the bottom of the list, click Add a new hardware device, and then click Next.
7. Click Install the hardware that I manually select from a list, and then click Next.
8. Click Network adapters, and then click Next.
9. In the Manufacturer box, click Microsoft.
10. In the Network Adapter box, click Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then click Next.
11. Click Finish.

  • hello:

    it seems like there have a protocol between Smartfade ML console and SmartSoft DemoTheatre.exe, i am writing a program like SmartSoft DemoTheatre.exe, and i want to do the same thing like smartsoft do with console, so where can i get the protocol?

  • The protocol is currently a private internal connection.  We do not have plans at this point to publish this as a public protocol.  If you are developing software that you would like to interface to SmartFade ML / SmartSoft please contact me directly at with more details and we can discuss.

    Adam Bennette

  • Hello,

    I'm conscient that this post is quite old so I don't know if someone will anser me.

    But as this post exist, I'll try to ask.

    The firm I work in wants me to learn how to use the Smartfade ML so I immediatly went on the ETC website and I found the tutorial section about it.

    Unfortunately, I can't manage to make Smartsoft and the Capture visualizer work together. I see the visualizer but I can't light fixtures with the virtual controller.

    I thin I did exactly as explained in the tutorial many times but it doesn't work.

    My computer is connected to internet so I presume It's not a network problem but I tried anyway the loopback technic and it still doesn't work.

    There's only one thing strange: the showfile which is provided isn't named DEMOTHEA.ASC but Demoshow-Smartfade ML and the capture file has the same name.

    If someone could help me to make things work, it would be great.


  • Hi,

    One thing that you can check: Do you have multiple network cards or connections on this computer? Like two network ports or Wireless + Cable connection or an additional VPN connection.

    It might also be a Windows firewall issue. Please make sure that SmartSoft and Capture have network permissions.

  • hi,

    I have a network card on my computer but I don't use it. I use a wifi usb key to access internet.

    I'm on windows XP and the windows firewall isn't activated. I usually use Sunbelt firewall but It doesn't work even if the firewall is shut...


    Don't understand why it won't work...



  • That could be it - can you try disabling the unused network card in Control Panel?

    It may be that Capture and SmartSoft are trying to talk to each other via the disconnected network card, instead of the USB WiFi connection that really exists.

  • I'm sorry but it doesn't work even  if my network card and firewalls are desactivated

    Do I have to uninstall it totally? 
