Using groups during a show

I am a newbie to the theatrical lighting game.  My church recently had a new lighting system installed utilizing a SmartFade ML board and Chauvet LED lights.  The installers programmed the boards and we have 8 Groups programmed.  The thing that we have not figured out yet is how to use the groups during a service.  I have figured out how to call up Groups individually, but can't figure out how to switch between groups without having to clear the board and turning all the lights off.  Is there a way to record lights in a group as part of a memory sequence??

  • Groups are simply a fast way to select several devices in one go.
    It's just to save you pressing lots of Device buttons to select the lights before assigning a colour or whatever.

    Once you have the look you want, it no longer matters how you got it to look like that - just that it looks "right".

    To store it onto a Mems fader or a step in the Stack, just press [Rec Sel] (selected devices only) or [Rec All] (everything) then hit the memory bump/Stack button.
    (For Stack you'll need to confirm the step number on the LCD, in case you want to record this as a point cue etc)

    - Note that if you press [Rec Sel] then it only records the selected (bright) devices, and any dimmers (A/B 1-24) that are on.
