Creating personalities issue

OK, I might be a complete moron but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.  I am attempting to create a personality for a RGB LED wash fixture.  I follow the steps on starting with page 32 paying attention to the top of page 34 especially.  I move fader 1 (which brings up the Red lights in the fixture) to 255 and then select bump 4 (hue).  I then move fader 2 (which brings up the Green lights) to 255 and select bump 4 again.  I repeat it once more for the blue lights.  So when I patch the fixture to the appropriate DMX channel the only fader that works is 1 (RED).  What gives? 

  • Probably the fixture is not set to the "RGB" colour mixing mode.

    When making the personality ensure the fixture personality is set to the "RGB" MIX mode - press [More] to cycle between "None", "CMY", "RGB", and "RAGB". You can change this at any time.

    When editing your User Personality, if you spin the dial for the DMX offset it will say which of the colour mixing colours was assigned to each DMX offset - check that it calls the attributes "Red", "Green" and "Blue" in the right-hand LCD and not something else.
    - It also shows this when you press the [Hue] bump to assign the colour mix colour.

    (You'll need to repatch after making any changes to apply them to your fixtures)

    Finally, the colour faders in Params mode are Hue and Saturation, so with Sat at full and Hue at zero, you'll get pure Red. Raising the Hue fader while leaving Sat at full will go around the rainbow.
    - If you want discrete control of the RGB attributes you can use the encoders.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:55 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 20 2012]
  • Richard:


    Thank you for the quick reply.  I believe I have the first part correct.  I have assigned the first three faders to RGB accordingly.  The next step is a bit confusing for me.  Prompts me to toggle bumps for the parameters which will fade with intensity.  I must admit I have no idea what it is asking me at this point. 

    Next, what do you mean when you say "use the encoders"

    Next time I a just buying lights that are preprogrammed. lol

  • The "next step" is optional.

    If you have something that doesn't have a built-in Intensity (Dimmer) parameter, then you can tell the SmartFade ML to make a "fake" one for you, so you can just pick a colour and fade it up.
    To do that, press the [Hue] bump (light it up) to tell it that the RGB parameters should be controlled by the 'fake' Intensity.

    If your fixture has a 'real' Intensity, you don't need this 'fade with intensity' and can just exit with [<] or [<<].

    The "Encoders" are the three dials.
    When in Params mode, you can use those dials to adjust Pan/Tilt, Red, Green, Blue etc if you find the parameter faders are too sensitive for what you want to do.

    Don't forget, if you are confused you can call your local ETC tech support and we can talk you through it:

    For technical support in the Americas, please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116.
    For technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000.
    For technical support in Germany and eastern Europe, please call (+49) 8024 4700-0
    For technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220.
