Smartfade 2496 Flashing lights when turned on

When turning on the Smartfade 2496 on, the lights will work for about 10 minutes before the lights will start flashing even when all the faders are down but when we use our backup dimmer, the lights works fine. Right now we are using software 1.7.1. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem?  

  • Also we are not using sequences at all. 

    mrb801 said:

    When turning on the Smartfade 2496 on, the lights will work for about 10 minutes before the lights will start flashing even when all the faders are down but when we use our backup dimmer, the lights works fine. Right now we are using software 1.7.1. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem?  


  • I assume you meant "backup light board"?

    Describe how the lights flash. Is it all lights or just certain ones? Is the flashing regular or erratic?

  • billn said:

    I assume you meant "backup light board"?

    Describe how the lights flash. Is it all lights or just certain ones? Is the flashing regular or erratic?

    It is all the lights flashing erratic at different times.   We are using the board in normal mode.

  • I have seen several causes for such a problem.

    1) A DMX line not properly terminated.

    2) A bad cable or intermittent connector.

    3) The DMX transmitter in the light board failing.

    4) A defective dimmer or instrument.

    5) If dimmers are in a rack, a bad control board in the rack.

    6) A bad repeater or data converter.

  • billn said:

    I have seen several causes for such a problem.

    1) A DMX line not properly terminated.

    2) A bad cable or intermittent connector.

    3) The DMX transmitter in the light board failing.

    4) A defective dimmer or instrument.

    5) If dimmers are in a rack, a bad control board in the rack.

    6) A bad repeater or data converter.

    thanks billn i wll look at the system on Sunday and let know you know what I find.



  • mrb801 said:

    I have seen several causes for such a problem.

    1) A DMX line not properly terminated.

    2) A bad cable or intermittent connector.

    3) The DMX transmitter in the light board failing.

    4) A defective dimmer or instrument.

    5) If dimmers are in a rack, a bad control board in the rack.

    6) A bad repeater or data converter.

    Here is an update:

    We have changed the DMX cable, change the DMX output setting from MAX to slow, switch out  the ETC 2496 board. We still have the same problem. Do you think updating the firmware might help as well? 





  • Is your configuration - control board, DMX cable, dimmer rack, circuits to instruments?

    I don't think a firmware upgrade will solve anything. Nor do I think it is a data rate problem.

    I assume that the dimmers are in a rack, with a control card for the rack. If so, the most likely problem is the control card, either the DMX connector on the card or a problem with the card itself. I suspect a bad component on the control card, as it appears this may be heat related .

    There is a very small chance that a dimmer module or an instrument could be the problem.

    What model is your dimmer rack?

    Do you have just one rack?


  • billn said:

    Is your configuration - control board, DMX cable, dimmer rack, circuits to instruments?

    I don't think a firmware upgrade will solve anything. Nor do I think it is a data rate problem.

    I assume that the dimmers are in a rack, with a control card for the rack. If so, the most likely problem is the control card, either the DMX connector on the card or a problem with the card itself. I suspect a bad component on the control card, as it appears this may be heat related .

    There is a very small chance that a dimmer module or an instrument could be the problem.

    What model is your dimmer rack?

    Do you have just one rack?


    Bill, we have three racks, two for the theatrical lights and one for the house lights. We are using ETC Unison Lighting Control System (three). 

  • What is the length of your DMX run.

    Is your system terminated?

    1st bring the board close to the stage and try a short "Quality" cable.

    I used (DURAFLEX) to wresolve my issues on a 150' run.

    Also terminate your system as required.


    Hope this helps.

  • defalg said:

    What is the length of your DMX run.

    Is your system terminated?

    1st bring the board close to the stage and try a short "Quality" cable.

    I used (DURAFLEX) to wresolve my issues on a 150' run.

    Also terminate your system as required.


    Hope this helps.

    I am not sure about the DMX cable but I think know than 150'. Everything we have is stationary. When I looked at the racks yesterday, and all racks are "system is OK". I hope to get a closer look at it later on this week . One thing I did notice is that when the theaterical lights heats up, they starts to flash. It might be in the rack or in the control area.  Something might have changed settings in one of the racks.  When we used the dimmers for the theaterical lights, they work fine. Thank you so much for the information. i will check on the system again on this weekend and I will let you know what I find.


  • Hm, I just went back and read your original post. I think that I have been off on a wild goose chase.

    As I understand it, the problem occurs with your Smartfade 2496, but everything is fine when using your backup board.

    If that is the case, the problem is your 2496. This assumes the only thing you change is the board, with ALL other cabling being the same.


  • billn said:

    Hm, I just went back and read your original post. I think that I have been off on a wild goose chase.

    As I understand it, the problem occurs with your Smartfade 2496, but everything is fine when using your backup board.

    If that is the case, the problem is your 2496. This assumes the only thing you change is the board, with ALL other cabling being the same.


    Right Bill, we changed the Smartfade 2496 with a new one. Is there a way to reset the board or should I just update the firmware.


  • >>If that is the case, the problem is your 2496. This assumes the only thing you change is the board, with ALL other cabling being the same.


    >Right Bill, we changed the Smartfade 2496 with a new one. Is there a way to reset the board or should I just update the firmware.


    I have never used the board, but I doubt if it is a firmware problem - it sounds like overheating.  It could be something as simple as a lot of dust accumulating inside the board, causing the CPU to overheat. Another possibility is that the heat sink paste has dried out.

    I would call technical support and ask for their help.



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