SMFL acting in artificial intelligence mode

So I've been doing a Christmas Show for about 1 month so far and never had any problems until last night.

Here's the low down,

I built my stack with only fade in times, to allow me to manually fade out using grand master, depending how long the actor carries the last note of the song. This console is also link via MSC with the Insight 3, which has nothing to do with the problem.

Last week, I had noticed some very weird times programmed into the wait times are, which I left blank on every cue. After changing some of the fade in times.

It seems the SFML was recording the real seconds & minutes into the wait area, for everytime I pushed the GO button on the Insight 3. I then went through every cue before the show and set the wait times to blank. But when I went back to cue 1 and through again, they still were there. Yet did not affect the show at all. And even the final cue, which seemed the weirdest, probably from the matinee to the evening show, had a wait time of 5923. WTH??

 So last night, I went in and powered up the show. First show since Holiday break, and the worst happened.

Pressing GO on the SFML to see if the show was ok, I  went to the first song cue on cue 2. The console then went through every cue by itself and my moving lights were freaking out. I could not change the wait time or any time at all. So I had to run it manually.

 Thank goodness, my show wasn't that complex, or I would have lost my cool! Only one song was a struggle from pushing the go button on Insight 3, fading in the correct sub (5) on the SFML and pushing 2 different subs on the Insight 3 for like 12 cues within 2 minutes, while trying to keep in sych.

 So what could the problem be?

The attchment is not from last nights show, but before holiday break.

I also had a rehearsal on the 27th for a new years show, using other show files and there stack was on affected. But ecause is a best of show, I need this show file to work.


Oh and thank God I had a cue sheet or the show would SUCK!

[edited by: Joe_ML at 1:49 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Dec 29 2012]