Channel 1 on 100% after powering up SF2496


We are encountering a strange issue with our Smartfade. We use it in our theatre just in normal mode for various shows. Console works fine, but sometimes when it starts up the channel one is on and lighting on 100% (without respect to fader position), bump button is full green and there is also a coresponding bar on LCD. After pressing clear twice channel goes down and everything works perfectly.

Do someone meet similar behaviour? I'm suspicious about shows saved on sd card, but I was not successful in verifying it.

We are using latest firmware.

best regards

  • Mine usually lights some channels on power up... I always thought it was the last state before I switch it off the previous time...
  • The board is supposed to come on exactly how it was when powered down, levels and all. Are you the one to shut down?

    There is an easy way to test the shows saved on the card. Download the offline editor and look at the shows in that program. You can also make backups, give the files meaningful names and lots of other fun/useful stuff.

    If you really have issues- call tech support when you are at the console, and have made backups of the show file. There are several diagnostic and clearing options. Having a tech on the phone will keep you from making matters worse.
