Control channel for Studio Beam not working

I am back with another Studiobeam Smartfade issue. I'm using the latest library from the beta software (16 Channel version of the Studiobeam). This issue is with the control channel or the (device command).  None of the device commands are working.  A device command should consist of outputting 0% on the shuttter channel and a certain value on the shutter channel (16).  The console correctly sets the shutter channel to 0%, but outputs nothing on the control channel.  We have verified this with both a DMX tester and Smartsoft. We determined that "user 1" is the control channel and can manually execute device commands by setting the correct value there (and by closing the shutter) but we need these functions to happen the way that they were designed.  The other issues with controlling studio beams are able to be worked around (color palletts, zoom backwards, frost issues), but the control channel issue is turning into a tipping point for our customer to want to return the console.  Please advise.


Thank you,

Will Childress

Memphis Audio

