SFML Personality Library v9.2.1 Now Available for Download

Hi all -

The newest version of the SFML Personality Library is now available for download from the Web site. If you can't find your fixtures in the library provided with your console, please download this latest version here. In the zip file is an HTML document listing the contents of the library. Please be patient when opening this file as it can take some time for your browser to display it.

Thanks much -


  • Hi Sarah

    I have checked the newest Library that you have posted and didn't found any of the fixtures I am using at the moment.

    The fixtures I need the personalities are:

    LED'J  -  colour storm quad 168

    LED'J - stage colour quad 107

    LED'J - q colour twin 210

    also I am using E Lumen 8 fixtures Kudos 120 moving head they are all Led fixtures. I will be running a show in early July and I will need the personalities for them for a Smartfade ml desk, any chance to write the personalities for these fixtures plesase?  I would grateful.

    Many thanks


  • HI Marcin - 

    Please send us the user manuals/DMX mapping for the fixtures you require and we'll see what we can do. You can attach them to a message here, or you can email them to me at sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect.com.

    Thanks -


Reply Children
  • Hi Sarah


    Thank you for your reply. 

     I have been told by Richard from London ETC field Service to create the personalities by my self, unfortunatelly due to my workload and luck of time and poor knowledge of SFML I am not confident enough to do it right now by my self, hope one day will get there to do it my self.

    I will send you a links to the manuals that I need the personalities.

    Thank you very much


  • As posted on your other thread, the two fixtures that you have provided the fixture manuals for are already on the list for a future library update.

    In fact, fhe Prolight: LEDJ Colour Storm Quad and LEDJ Stage Colour Quad* are already in Library 9.3.1, download from here.

    (Note that the manufacturer for these two fixtures is actually "Prolight". That's one of the reasons we need the manual!)

    The eLumen8 fixture missed the cutoff for v9.3.1 but is on the list for a later version of the library.

    Unfortunately we still do not have any details for the "LED'J - q colour twin 210", so this is not yet planned.

    * At least, another fixture from Prolight by that name, manual provided by another user. I'm hoping it's the fixture you have.

    [edited by: Richard at 9:59 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 3 2013]