Is there a thru button? I want to patch d's 1-6 to ch 1, d's 27-32 to ch 2. I have 186 dimmers. lots o fun
Is there a thru button? I want to patch d's 1-6 to ch 1, d's 27-32 to ch 2. I have 186 dimmers. lots o fun
Sorry - no Thru function in Patch on SmartFade. If you patch by channel you can dial up the dimmers pretty quickly.
We are considering additional PC based tools for these types of functions - but no news for now. Hope you will be able to get it done.
Thanks for the post
Sorry - no Thru function in Patch on SmartFade. If you patch by channel you can dial up the dimmers pretty quickly.
We are considering additional PC based tools for these types of functions - but no news for now. Hope you will be able to get it done.
Thanks for the post
I was just playing with the patch by Channel and found it a little confusing when I got to the 5th number I was patching to a channel.
These directions might help.
BTW, the Enter button is the >(Menu) button.
Select Patch by Channel with the wheel.
Will see Patch by Channel >1 on top line
Hitting Enter moves > to bottom line or the dimmer line.
Use wheel to select dimmer number, then hit Enter.
Should see 1>
Use wheel to select dimmer number again, then hit Enter.
1 2>
Continue to add additional dimmers
When you have 1 2 3 4 >, and you move the wheel, the dimmer numbers will scroll off to the left.
What has happened is that there is no room left on the line.
Scroll the bottom line till you have more room for additional numbers.
Hit Enter once, the > actually moves back up to the channel line, then hit Enter again ( it moves > to back to the channel line) and lets you continue adding dimmers.
To verify the patch, either exit out and come back into the patch or move the > back to the Channel line by hitting Enter.
Scroll up to channel 2 and then back to channel 1.
You should see 1 2 3 4 + on the dimmer line.
The + indicates additional channels.
Hit Enter till the > is in front of the + and then scroll with the wheel and you’ll see the other dimmers.
Hope this helps.