Crossfade color effects?

Hello all,


So, how can I crossfade between two color effects?


I run RGB LED lights as devices. I set a color effect (i.e. Harlequin or Primary). With the effect running, I'll save the look to a MEMS button either with Record All or Record Select + Color & Param1.

With the device intensity down, I'll bring up the Mems fader for that look.  Rather than having the effect fade in from black, the color will jump to a palette color first (the color chosen before the effect was set while saving the memory). When the fader is at 100%, the effect is visible. Otherwise its a blend of the unwanted palette choice and the effect.

Likewise, if I wanted to transisition from one effect to another, the second fader will cause the lights to jump to its unwanted palette color, then go to the effect.

Running this transition through the stack with Move Dark on won't fade the scenes, just jumps to the new effect.



[edited by: se-av at 3:42 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, May 23 2013]