SmartFade 3.0.2 DMX Output Speed

Hello, in one of the venues that I work in, I have a SmartFade 1296 that is connected to Lutron GrafikEye 4000 dimming system.  The system has been working together for around 3 years now, and has had a intermittent problem of a flicker in the house lights and the house lights only.  

After changing settings in the Lutron, SmartFade, checking connection, and bringing out both ETC and Lutron tech's, we discovered that even on Slow, the SmartFade was outputting too fast.  The SmartFade was on 2.0, and we tried to update to 3.0 to see what it would do.  

Come to find out, the 3.0 update not only increases the increments between DMX packets, but it slows down the entire packet.  


So to all who are in similar situations, the 3.0 might be worth a try for your scenario.
