New Devices - requests for library update

Please use this forum thread to request new devices to be added to the SmartFade ML library. 

Please use the other thread 'Device library problems and defects' to report or discuss broken or faulty library entries, or to suggest improvements to device personalities

[edited by: AdamBennette at 4:49 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 28 2008]
  • How about an Elation Stagecolor.

     I know it's not a popular fixture, but the way it address red, green, and blue is blue-chan 1, red-chan 2, green-chan 3.  Which means that a simple RGB profile cannot be used and maintain accurate color picking.


    On a more general note, it would be nice to be able to build a user personality and assign an attribute to fade with intensity.

    Anyone know of a workaround for this in the meantime?



  • To expand on the previous post, something curiously odd happened to me the other day.

    This same customer who uses the Stagecolors had to get a replacement SFML, the Device Select button LED was not working.

     Anyway, the new console comes in, I take it out to them to get up and running, we load the show we had just saved from the old console to Smartsoft.  Now, all of a sudden, the custom profile which we had created before swapping consoles has an intensity channel that will dim the colors down (the exact thing we were trying so hard to do before the new console came in.)

     No on knows how that intensity channel got placed into the profile.  In fact, when we try to patch another device with that profile, nothing patches.  It's almost like the profile doesn't exist, except where it was patched previously.

    So I told the customer to save that show and NEVER lose it because who knows how we would ever get it back.

     Any thoughts on this bug/feature?


  • To expand on the previous post, something curiously odd happened to me the other day.

    This same customer who uses the Stagecolors had to get a replacement SFML, the Device Select button LED was not working.

     Anyway, the new console comes in, I take it out to them to get up and running, we load the show we had just saved from the old console to Smartsoft.  Now, all of a sudden, the custom profile which we had created before swapping consoles has an intensity channel that will dim the colors down (the exact thing we were trying so hard to do before the new console came in.)

     No on knows how that intensity channel got placed into the profile.  In fact, when we try to patch another device with that profile, nothing patches.  It's almost like the profile doesn't exist, except where it was patched previously.

    So I told the customer to save that show and NEVER lose it because who knows how we would ever get it back.

     Any thoughts on this bug/feature?


  • The first part I am not sure:  How the intensity got to control the color?, although obviously it was rather welcome! 

    The 2nd part is normal:  The patch, including the personalities used, is in the showfile.  This is deliberate so that if we ever change a personality for any reason an old show will still work exactly the way it was programmed.  If you were to import an old show and then re-patch the same decvices they would then use the personality current for that version of code.

    This does not mean that we will change personalities often, on the contrary we try to avoid that unless truly necessary, but it does give an insurance that nothing changes on a show that was working as desired.


  • We loaded the original showfile to the console from Smart Soft.  We had setup User Personality 01 to be the stage colors and patched it to the first eight devices.  But when we transferred the showfile to the new console, that user personality, when patched as a new device, did not have any attributes. 

     The extra bizarre thing is that in Smartsoft, on the patch screen, when we place the mouse over the originally patched devices it shows that it is patched using User Personality 01 and as stated before, those 8 devices work just fine, in fact, better than they had before.


