Device library problems and defects

Please use this forum thread to discuss or report problems or defects in device library entires, or to suggest improvements to the way a device personality is working.

 Please use the other thread 'New Decvices - request for update' to request a new device to be added to the library.

[edited by: AdamBennette at 4:52 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 28 2008]
  • Chauvet ColorSplash Jr. - should move it's channel 1 to the ML's "Shutter" parameter, since it is shutter/strobe/dimmer all on one channel.  That makes for a odd behavior when on the intensity channel, especially when using the GrandMaster!  Please move that to "Shutter", and use RGB "Fade with Intensity" for the ML's Intensity control.



