Need help with color editing

I'm trying to edit the color Palette on my Smartfade ml. I know it can be done I'm just not sure how to get into the menu. I need to set up one color (1-24) to black, essentially using it as a black out button for some LED fixtures I have.

  • You don't "Edit" them as such, simply re-record them for the device(s) in question:

    • Mix colour
    • Select devices to update/re-record
    • [Rec Pal/Grp]
    • [Color]
    • [ColourPaletteButton1-24]
  • I tried that. The LED's will not go black so that I can record them to black out when color palette #24 is select. It may be something in the device patching but until I updated my firmware on the board it worked fine. Problem is that the person who set up the board cannot recall how they did it initially. The fixtures are American DJ Par64's. Other than being able to black them out everything is functioning properly.

  • To get 0/0/0 for RGB you will have to use the encoder dials, as the Hue/Saturation fader pair will always try to make the brightest colour possible.

    Select devices, and use [Sel] and [More] to set encoder dials to RGB.
    You can hold [Sel] and press [Hue] or [Sat] to jump straight to colour mixing, then [More] to toggle through the various colour parameters.

    Finally, the LED colour palette mimic itself won't go black as it shows the colour using an approximation of Hue/Saturation, with "Brightness" at maximum, so a "Black" palette will indicate as White.

    - This is because it has to have some way to show you selected/deselected!

  • Thanks Richard! I figured that out as I continued to mess with things. In my frustration over the past few days I figured out I was over looking something and ended up figuring out my issue yesterday afternoon. Thanks for the input. I've made notes in the event of future issues!


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