Desire 22 Studio HD Profile

We just got some demo D22s!! Cute and bright

Anyway the latest ML library doesn't have Studio HD D22s. I tried the D40 quickset general profile and found it wasn't quite right.

Can you put one together for me? I'm using the HSI profile and would like to work directly with the colors.


Parents Reply
  • RickR said:

    FYI - There isn't a "direct" mode profile for any Studio HD.

    This is intentional, as unfortunately SmartFade ML doesn't currently support the colour mixing systems natively used by the Desire and S4LED Studio HD.
    As these fixtures are intended for tinted Whites rather than colour mixing it seemed rather unlikely that users would want to control these in Direct mode on SFML.

    As you did, then I'd recommend making a User Personality to control them in Direct mode, however the Hue/Sat faders will give rather odd results as SFML doesn't know how the Red/Amber/GreenCyan/Blue or Red/RedOrange/Mint/Blue/Indigo colour mixing systems work.

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