Smartsoft 3.02 will not minimize on a Mac running OS 10.7.5

I have a Smartfade 12/48 console and have connected it to my MacBook Pro.  I have had no trouble in connecting it and they seem to be communicating just fine with each other.   I HAVE updated the console software to version which is also the version of Smartsoft that I am running on my Mac.

The problem is that I can't get Smartsoft to minimize using the the little "_" icon in the upper right hand corner.  Clicking on it does nothing.  In order to do other computer functions I have to click the "x" to exit the program.  Even then about half of the time I get the screen saying "Smartsoft" quit unexpectedly.  

Any thoughts about this issue.  It's not a crisis, but It would be nice to resolve it, if possible.  Thanks all!
