needing help with my new smartfade ml

my smart fade states that there is a card error when trying to load personalities. i have opti tri pars and i want to run them 6 channel not 7

along with finding a personality for elations rayzor q12

personality 7.5.3


i have went through all of the manuals and still not understanding what im doing wonrg.


  • "Card Error" means that it wasn't able to read the file from the SD card.

    First step is to try a different card if you can.

    We recommend avoiding 2GB SD cards, as it's a slightly bigger size than SD originally allowed for and slightly smaller than SDHC.
    Some work and some don't, even within one manufacturer and brand.

    SmartFade (ML) only reads the 'root' folder, so ensure the PERSLIB.BIN from the library download is not in any folder or subfolder.
    - Windows puts the files into a subfolder by default when extracting complete ZIPs.

    Also, if you have other things on the same card, put them into folders if you can to ensure that there aren't very many files or folders in the root folder that SmartFade will need to look at before it can read any files.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:35 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 28 2014]
  • "Card Error" means that it wasn't able to read the file from the SD card.

    First step is to try a different card if you can.

    We recommend avoiding 2GB SD cards, as it's a slightly bigger size than SD originally allowed for and slightly smaller than SDHC.
    Some work and some don't, even within one manufacturer and brand.

    SmartFade (ML) only reads the 'root' folder, so ensure the PERSLIB.BIN from the library download is not in any folder or subfolder.
    - Windows puts the files into a subfolder by default when extracting complete ZIPs.

    Also, if you have other things on the same card, put them into folders if you can to ensure that there aren't very many files or folders in the root folder that SmartFade will need to look at before it can read any files.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:35 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 28 2014]