Bump Buttons

Hi everyone.

I hope someone might be able to help me with an issue we seem to have with our SmartFade ML lighting desk at our school. The unit has been working fine for a few years, but we now just seem to have an issue with the channel bump buttons.

Initially, when a channel bump button was pressed, it would illuminate and that scene would be shown on stage. However, now when the button is pressed (on all channels) nothing happens. If we go into scene mode, the bump buttons do not light up when a scene is assigned to them. However, if we hold down the scene button to select the page we want, the lights do show pages which contain scenes.

As far as I can tell, all the other settings look correct. All sliders are up to max just in case. We can assign new scenes to the channels, so it seems as though the buttons are technically functioning, they just don't seem to work for everything.

I don't spend a huge amount of time with our desk as I work in ICT. However, any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

  • Are you sure the bump fader (2nd on the right) is up ?

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I have just checked again and the bump fader is up to full. I have tried dropping and raising it a few times but the issue remains.

  • Hello,

    Try this:  Select Solo mode above the bumps fader.  Setup a scene, anything on faders or subs.  Press any bump:  is there any change?  Try at different settings on the bump fader.  If the bump in solo mode makes a blackout it means the bump buttons work in solo mode but there is no bumps level.  It could be that the bumps fader itself is faulty, if so that is an easy repair.  Please contact one of our offices for any further technical assistance and we will be happy to help you


  • Hi Adam.

    Thanks so much for the suggestions.

    I have just done some testing with bump fader to 100% and solo enabled. No changes happen when a bump button is pressed whilst a scene is loaded. As you say, this is starting to look more like a fader issue. Small point of interest, is it possible to override the physical fader from a laptop USB connection with the SmartFade software?

    We have our Drama GCSE performances next Tuesday and so I am a little limited to what I can test so as not do interrupt their preparation so I may need to leave any major changes until later next week.

    Thanks again for your time.

  • Hi Adam.

    Thanks so much for the suggestions.

    I have just done some testing with bump fader to 100% and solo enabled. No changes happen when a bump button is pressed whilst a scene is loaded. As you say, this is starting to look more like a fader issue. Small point of interest, is it possible to override the physical fader from a laptop USB connection with the SmartFade software?

    We have our Drama GCSE performances next Tuesday and so I am a little limited to what I can test so as not do interrupt their preparation so I may need to leave any major changes until later next week.

    Thanks again for your time.

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