Return to lighting after 35 years

I am a video technician and projectionist and have worked in this field for many years.  Due to an odd set of circumstances at one venue where I am regularly employed, the job titles of LD and ME have been added to mine.  This is a small rental (no in house productions) venue with a Smartfade.  They are located in a very wealthy area and do high profile events for high end clients, no theatrical productions.  It is a great place to work, I have been with them for many years.  I managed to muddle my way through the first show I had to do lighting on, a series of jazz concerts that just needed a half dozen looks in submasters. I had the full manual and about 2 hours to figure out how to make the board work before the show.  My training in lighting ended at the high school level some 35 years ago on a 21 channel 2 scene manual preset board.  Is there some simple sort of "cheatsheet" available for the Smartfade 2448?

  • is pretty short and to the point. I also recommend the Youtube videos they are for an older version of the OS but the basics are the same. is buried deep in the service technician pages - not sure why. If the link works it is just what you are looking for. Do look for the software version of your board. Updating is easy and free!