Smartfade 2496 controlled via a Crestron

What do I need to control a Smartfade 2496 from a Crestron?  The requested functions are to recall presets mostly and maybe the master slider.  

Here is the midi controller I am going to use:

What would be the commands needed to do this?

Thanks in advance.

  • See the Setup > MIDI Setup chapter of the SmartFade manual, pages 32 (26 in printed version) onwards.

    Download from this page.

    The console supports MIDI Show Control (Stack playback), Program Change (basic playback shortcuts), MIDI Notes (buttons) and MIDI Controllers (Faders) simultaneously so you can mix and match depending on what you require.

  • See the Setup > MIDI Setup chapter of the SmartFade manual, pages 32 (26 in printed version) onwards.

    Download from this page.

    The console supports MIDI Show Control (Stack playback), Program Change (basic playback shortcuts), MIDI Notes (buttons) and MIDI Controllers (Faders) simultaneously so you can mix and match depending on what you require.

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