How to reset all memories?

We have a SmartFade fader board  (P/N: 7219M1200-3.0.1 RevA) in our church.  I programmed all of the inputs onto a group of memories that utilize multiple inputs onto each fader.  Between services, the entire board was reset/cleared somehow.  First... How can that happen?  Is it as simple as cutting the power to the board to reset it (power outage)?  Or is there a combination of buttons that must be pressed in order to reset/clear the memories?

I have saved "a show" to an SD card.  If I load that show, will that replace the memories that have been cleared?  It seems to me that the SHOW will not work properly without the initial setups and saved memories.  Am I wrong in that assumption?

Thanks for any feedback!

  • Did you check which Memories page you were on?

    The console has several pages of Memories, so it's possible it was simply changed to an empty page.

    If you hold down the [Mems] button, your bump buttons light up solid red for the current Mems page and any pages that have things recorded will flash.

    [Menu] > "Settings" > "Erase" can be used to erase all or part of the show.

    The "Show" is all the Memories, Sequences, the Stack, and setup information like the Patch (Channels to DMX Address setup).
    Saving the show is storing all that data on the SD card, just in case it gets cleared by accident, or if you needed to re-program for a different show and then re-load this one later.

    Loading the show will load all of the Memories etc that were there when you saved the Show.

    I always recommend saving your show at regular intervals, just in case you make a mistake.

  • Did you check which Memories page you were on?

    The console has several pages of Memories, so it's possible it was simply changed to an empty page.

    If you hold down the [Mems] button, your bump buttons light up solid red for the current Mems page and any pages that have things recorded will flash.

    [Menu] > "Settings" > "Erase" can be used to erase all or part of the show.

    The "Show" is all the Memories, Sequences, the Stack, and setup information like the Patch (Channels to DMX Address setup).
    Saving the show is storing all that data on the SD card, just in case it gets cleared by accident, or if you needed to re-program for a different show and then re-load this one later.

    Loading the show will load all of the Memories etc that were there when you saved the Show.

    I always recommend saving your show at regular intervals, just in case you make a mistake.

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