ETC Logo on Smartfade 1248 has turned Red

I can't find any reference to what this may mean, if anything.  The board is in an permanent install, so nothing has changed in terms of environment or software.  DMX and midi seem to be functioning correctly, although at the moment the board is in a relatively simple configuration.  One day the board just booted up and the logo was red instead of blue.  Does anyone know what this means?

  • No April Fools joke, and nothing to worry about really -- the blue LED underneath the logo has burned out leaving only the red one on (it's normally a combination of both). It isn't an indicator of anything else going wrong. If you'd like, it could be sent in for repair via your local ETC dealer and we could get it fixed up.
  • No April Fools joke, and nothing to worry about really -- the blue LED underneath the logo has burned out leaving only the red one on (it's normally a combination of both). It isn't an indicator of anything else going wrong. If you'd like, it could be sent in for repair via your local ETC dealer and we could get it fixed up.