Working with memories and change faders manualy

Hi everybody

I´m a soundeng. that sits in front of an etc smartfade 2496.

Is it possible to make memories and in the memories to controll some faders manually?

My idea:

I programm differnet pictures without the frontlights and I would like to change the pictures by memories and let the frontlights stay or move them manually.

On an audiodesk this would be the function "recallsafe". Means the safe faders are not touched by the memories.

Is something like this possible on the smartfade desk?

Or how is an lighnigeng. doing this?

Thanks for any advice


  • Hi Thomas -

    SmartFade controls intensity using highest-takes-precedence logic, meaning that memories that contain levels for the same lights will interfere with one another, but only in that the higher cumulative output will win. So, if one memory brings your frontlights to 100%, no other memory will affect those lights. As you take that memory back down, the frontlights would hold at the next highest output level (another memory sitting at 50%, for example, would keep the frontlights at 50% while the rest of the original memory fades out.)

    To keep those lights separate, make sure they are at 0% when you record your memories. Then you can create a frontlight memory just for those lights, or use the channels page to control them manually (the memory route might be better, though, as you don't need to change pages much, then.) A memory can contain levels for one channel or many, so it's up to you how you want to work. If you follow this rule, you can mix stage and frontlight memories as you like with no fear of conflicts between the stage and frontlight channels.

    I hope this helps -


  • Hey Sarah
    Many thanks for the replay!
    "highest-takes-precedence logic" sounds good to me. I think I got the point and I will tray that the next days.
    Is far as I can say, this is an easy to understand desk. It has to, cause I can handle it, programm it and change the dmx-patch with only 30 minutes in the manual.

    Thanks again