tracking problems with Chauvet movers on SMFL

I am having a problem on a fairly new installation with a SMFL and Chauvet movers.  4 of the larger movers seem OK.  I do have 2 Chauvet 255's on the upstage light bar.  One on each end.  The problem is them not tracking together.  Mainly tilt.  You can set them to the same spot them move them and one will be much higher than the other.  The mounts are the same.  Level on the bar. 

You think this is an issue with the fixtures or something in the SMFL not right?  I haven't yet reloaded the personalities.  I had an issue with another mover in the system early on and reloading the personality seemed to solve it. 

Anyone else had this problem?  Thanks for any help in advance
