Does anyone from ETC even read these posts?

Come on guys. If you're going to have a facility like this then you ought to drop by regularly and see what people are taking the trouble to post. Even if all you do is post 'thanks, we'll look into it.'
  • Um,  well, oh dear, in my case I admit it has been a while....  All I can say is it is because of a great deal of work being done on the next versions of Smartfade, SmartFade ML and SmartSoft.  I think you will see it has been worth the wait.

     Many of the improvements to be introduced result directly from the comments on these forums.

     I apologise that we have not responded sooner.

     Adam Bennette

  • I'm rather curious about Adam's comment regarding what' comming in the next version of Smartfade / ML / Smartsoft... It would be really nice if the Smartfade (non-ML) supported colour changers *wink*.


     And for the record, I've found ETC Staff to be very responsive in this forum.

    [edited by: dpc78 at 11:20 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Jun 21 2008]
  • I have passed this request on to Adam directly. No promises.

    Thank you,


  • dpc78:
    It would be really nice if the Smartfade (non-ML) supported colour changers
    The way I do this is to put my scrollers onto the last page(s) of faders, with the associated lantern on the same fader on the first page(s).

    That way, almost everything actually Just Works.

    Simply change pages to 'select' the scrollers, move the relevant faders, and Bob's you're father's brother.
     - Obviously there's no move-while-dark function here, so I just have to remember to pre-set as needed.

  • dpc78:
    It would be really nice if the Smartfade (non-ML) supported colour changers
    The way I do this is to put my scrollers onto the last page(s) of faders, with the associated lantern on the same fader on the first page(s).

    That way, almost everything actually Just Works.

    Simply change pages to 'select' the scrollers, move the relevant faders, and Bob's you're father's brother.
     - Obviously there's no move-while-dark function here, so I just have to remember to pre-set as needed.

  • Our concern with doing this is that (we're pretty sure) that the when we do a grand master fade, the scrollers will start changing too. We'd be OK with tying up the channels/faders, but the grand master fade issue and inability to move-while-dark is where we see problems. Otherwise, the 2496 would be perfect.

    [edited by: dpc78 at 8:27 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 23 2008]
  • For this kind of purposes, you better use a tracking style desk instead of a non-tracking desk. Besides IMHO using the grandmaster can always give you unexpected/unwanted results when doing more complex shows or using intelligent lighting.

    We are using a 2496 and so far do like the console. However still awaiting the Smartsoft. 

