SFML memories on different pages influence each other if saved on the same Faders

After long testeing on 3 different SFML with latest FW, i noticed the following:

If i record a memory on one fader on one memory page and record another scene on the same fader on another page, they have an influence on each other.

If i play the memory on the first page, switch to the second page and move the same fader, also the first memory changes its values on stage.

I tested all different combinations of record all / record selected, but the result was always the same.

The movement of the fader on page 2 also changed the output values on page 1.


  • Hello- 

    This is by design. Until the fader is brought to the home/zero position it will continue to output the memory from the previous page. This is because changing pages is simply loading new content into the faders, not giving you access to additional playbacks. Once the fader is homed, the content from the new page will be loaded and available. You cannot crossfade from one memory to another from another page on the same single fader.

    Hope this helps -

