Smartfade MEMS not reading at full intensity

A client's console is having an odd problem (Odd for me at least, but perhaps that's because I'm not as proficient on the SmartFade series) - MEMS are only coming up to 40-50% when raised on a handle.


The channels appear correct when the look is initially made; the various masters are all at full and in the correct place (I believe).   Once I record the memory, clear the channel handles, switch to the MEMS page and raise the handle on the memory in question, the stored look seems to only come back to a portion of its original intensity.


Any idea why this is happening, or does the board need to get serviced?



  • Hi Pablo,


    Question 1: Do the values on the DISPLAY Show the bars going up all the way?



    Question 2: Is the Master Fader all the way to the right at full and working correctly?



    If you have checked both of those, you may try a factory Settings of the console in the Service Menu - this usually helps

    clear any oddness the console may be experiencing.

    Save the show if you need to -> to an SD Card - all Show Information will be deleted from the console after this process!

    Turn off the unit.  Turn it on again holding down the 'menu / yes / >' key.  Hold it until you see 'Entering test mode'  Now release it and then press it repeatedly to run through the various self-tests.  At the end it will clear the memory.  When the memory is cleared it will say ' Update software? yes/no'  Select no and the unit will turn off.  The next time you turn it on it will be all cleared and reset. 

    See if that helps.

  • Hi Pablo,


    Question 1: Do the values on the DISPLAY Show the bars going up all the way?



    Question 2: Is the Master Fader all the way to the right at full and working correctly?



    If you have checked both of those, you may try a factory Settings of the console in the Service Menu - this usually helps

    clear any oddness the console may be experiencing.

    Save the show if you need to -> to an SD Card - all Show Information will be deleted from the console after this process!

    Turn off the unit.  Turn it on again holding down the 'menu / yes / >' key.  Hold it until you see 'Entering test mode'  Now release it and then press it repeatedly to run through the various self-tests.  At the end it will clear the memory.  When the memory is cleared it will say ' Update software? yes/no'  Select no and the unit will turn off.  The next time you turn it on it will be all cleared and reset. 

    See if that helps.

  • Corey-

    Thanks for the assist. I tried a factory reset, but the problem persists.

    The display is not as pictured - no bars - but that may be because I am bringing up levels on the handles.

    I have been starting with the GM at full out of habit; however, I discovered that it seems to have no effect on the levels, and the BO button is blinking, even when the GM handle is at full. This is after the factory reset.

    I will investigate enabling/disabling the GM as a temporary workaround.
    Is there anything else I should be looking at?
  • Sounds like your master fader might be faulty. Note that to clear the blackout flashing you need to pull master to 0 then back up to full. Have you got Smartsoft that you can connect to? If so you could check the fader master levels and DMX output levels easily.