Saving in SmartSoft/SmartFade

Sorry if the question has already been asked (I will be a new SmartSoft user, so I did not follow its development assiduously) ...

When the console is connected to SmartSoft, is that the changes made on SmartSoft (names of memories, editions, etc. ...) are automatically recorded on the console or should we load each time the backup on the console and PC?



Désolé si la question à déjà été posée (je vais être un nouvel utilisateur de SmartSoft, donc je n'ai pas suivi assidument son développement)...

Quand la console est connectée au SmartSoft, est-ce que les modifications faites sur SmartSoft (noms de mémoires, édtions, etc...) sont enregistrées automatiquement sur la console ou doit-on charger à chaque fois le backup sur la console et sur le PC ?


[edited by: arnof at 2:49 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 08 2008] [edited by: arnof at 2:48 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 08 2008] [edited by: arnof at 2:48 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Sep 08 2008]
  • When SmartSoft is connected Online with a console, all data is synchronized. If you change anything on the console side or in SmartSoft, it will be immediately synchronized to the other side.

    The data on the console will always be kept in the persistent memory (just like when running without SmartSoft).  The data in SmartSoft won't to stored on the PC/Mac harddrive when you exit SmartSoft unless you specifically save it from the System tab. However, when you start SmartSoft connected to the console the next time, the data in the console will be loaded into SmartSoft.

    (If you are running Online, you should probably use the File Save/Load commands on the console to make sure you have your show files stored to an SD card. In this way, you are not depending on a PC/Mac with SmartSoft to load your show files into the console. However, you might still want to store a backup copy of your show file on the PC/Mac harddisk as well, using the commands in the SmartSoft System tab.)
