Smartfade ML and Smartsoft not in sync when editing a memory

I'm trying to edit some memories which keep insisting on getting saved incorrectly...

Mem 01/01 currently has Ch 4 @ Full and Ch 8 @ Full.
In SmartSoft I go to the Mem Edit tab, select Memory 01/01.
It correctly shows Ch 4 and 8 @ Full.  I edit this in SmartSoft to set Ch 13 @ Full and 4 and 8 @ 0.
Smartsoft shows this change correctly.
If I bring up the memory on the SmartFade, it still shows Ch 4 and 8 @ Full.
If I view the memory on the Mem Edit tab in Smartsoft it will continue to show 13 @ Full as I edited, but bringing up the handle on the SmartFade shows Ch 4 and 8 @ Full in the Live tab or in a visualizer.

If I go about editing the memory on the SmartFade instead, the SmartFade will show the change but SmartSoft continues to show the old values.  And worse yet, if I reboot the SmartFade the memory goes back to its old values.

This is a SmartFade ML running 2.0.1 28 and SmartSoft DLL

Anyone have any suggestions?  The only way I've found to edit a memory correctly is to do it without SmartSoft running.



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