I have two pages of memories set up on my SmartFade ML, page 1 and page 12. Initially, I'm on page 1 and the Live tab in SmartSoft correctly shows that 01/01 through 01/07 are I only, and 01/13 is yellow to show it is a sequence. I switch to page 12 on the SmartFade, and none of these notations change on SmartSoft. The labels in SmartSoft still read as if I am in memory 1, though beside the Mems button it does say PAGE 12. The bump buttons are lit up correctly, but fader 13 (incorrectly labeled 01/13) is still yellow. Now, if I switch back to page 1 on the SmartFade, The labels now change to the page 12 labels, and the IFCB notations also change to represent page 12, even though I am now in page 1. If I switch tabs and come back to live everything is corrected.