Sync SmartFade ML to video or audio

I have an application in mind where I would like to automate control of the SmartFade ML to sync up with a video clip that will be played during the performance. The main audio and the video for the presentation will be coming from this video clip and it would be nice to have the lighting controller preset to do different things at different times throughout the presentation.

 I've read a bit in the manual and see that the controller can be controlled by Midi - even the midi outputted from another SmartFade ML. So, I have an idea that I'm not quite sure will work. My thought is to load the video clip into a midi sequencer and record the midi control commands coming out of the SmartFade ML to a midi track in sync with the video. Then, my hope is that I would be able to playback the sequence sending the midi control commands from the sequencer to the SmartFade ML and have it reproduce the sequence we had just recorded.

 Does this sound possible to anyone else? Am I going at this in a completely wrong way or making things more dificult than they need to be?

Does anyone have any better ideas before I go ahead and attempt this?

 I'd even be happy with a suggestion about how to sync the SmartFade ML to an audio track.

  • You're making things a bit more difficult than they need to be.  It will be a lot easier arranging MIDI triggers in your sequencer than trying to follow along and push buttons on the ML at just the right moment.  If your MIDI sequencer supports MIDI Show Control, then the easiest thing would be using the "go" command to execute steps in the stack.  Without MSC, you can do the same thing using the program change 125 message. 

    If you aren't familiar with how MIDI messages work, it would be worth looking around for some tutorials.  One example can be found here, though there are many others as well.  Once you understand that, the ML manual will make a little more sense. 

  • Thanks for pointing me in a better direction. Your idea sounds much nicer. That way I can very precicely insert those commands into the sequence instead of trying to record it live in real time.

    Thanks also for the quick few notes about MSC and program change 125 messages.

    I'll try and tacle this the way you are suggesting.

  • hi all:

    i would like to known which software can have such functionality, which can record midi show control or midi message while playing audio or vedio. then it also can playback ? can you tell me the name, i have found whole day, but nothing, : (

  • SmartFade (all versions including ML) can transmit and receive both MIDI music (general MIDI) and a basic set of MIDI Show Control commands.  You may use either, but should avoid using both at the same time.

    If you wish to playback live fader moves on memories and the stack then you should use General MIDI.  Go to the MIDI menu in SmartFade and enable MIDI and disable MIDI MSC.  Choose a MIDI channel number, preferably not a number in use by any other connected equipment (such as a synthesizer sound module for instance).  Connect the MIDI out of the console to the MIDI in of any MIDI audio sequencer.  All the MIDI commands sent by SmartFades are the same as a normal music keyboard, Note on, Note off, Program change, Conrtroller and so on.  You may use any audio sequencer, for instance; Cubase, Sonar, Logic, Ableton, Digital Performer etc etc.  Set the sequencer to record a MIDI track, and run the video clip.  Operate the lighting board at the desired times.  All actions are recorded, including the rate at which faders are moved.  When you are satisfied with the recording connect the MIDI out of the computer to the MIDI in of the console and run the sequencer.  The lighting will play back in real time.

    If your needs are simpler and you just want to advance the stack at certain times then do as Mark suggested and setup the equipment to use MIDI Show Control.  You will in this case need a sequencer that allows you to record and edit MSC commands.  I cannot advise how to do this, you will need to consult the documentation of the sequencer you wish to use.  The advantage of this method is that you can edit precsie times for each action.  With the other MIDI music method you could still go into the sequencers MIDI display and find the commands that were recorded and move them to a precise time if necessary.  I have done this in Sonar with success.

    If you can provide me with an email address I can send the details fo the MIDI commands so that you can identify them in the sequencer file, should it be necessary to make precise edits.  If the video clip is short you may find it easier to make several MIDI recordings until you get the timing right and just use that as it is.

    The reason to use General MIDI or MIDI MSC, and not both, is to prevent double stepping of the stack.  Both methods send a stack-next-step command so if both are active the stack will step on twice at each cue.

  • this is my email:



  • hi all:

    i have succeeded to record controller change midi message by changing the fader value, i use cybase sx to record a midi track, but when i playback the mid track to smartfade ml, it seems no response, following are midi data fragment:

    from smartfade ml:

     STATUS    DATA1    DATA2

        B0            0D            0D   

        B0            0D            0E   

        B0            0D            0F   

        B0            0D            10   

    send by cybase sx :

    STATUS    DATA1    DATA2

        B0            0D            69   

        B0            0D            6A   

        B0            0D            6B   

        B0            0D            6C   

     i have no idea where is wrong, can you help?

  • Hello, the data looks correct.  It is controller changes for fader 13.  The B0 status codes in Smartfade are as follows:

    Default controller patch:

    Ctrl change        Transmit (Master):

    1011nnnn  0mmmmmmm  0vvvvvvv

                                 mmmmmmm = Fader number:

                                 vvvvvvv = Level 0-7F, top 7 bits                                                                of level or bank number

                         (*)      0        =  Bank select, Selects step range                                                   within stack. 
                                                    vvvvvvv = 0 = Steps 0-99
                                                    vvvvvvv = 1 = Steps 100-199.
                         (*)      1-48     = Paged Virtual fader level, 1-48
                     (*)   49-123 =         not used
                         (*)      124      = XF down
                         (*)      125      = XF up
                         (*)      126      = Bumps master
                         (*)      127      = Grand master

    Ctrl change        Receive (Slave):

    1011nnnn  0mmmmmmm  0vvvvvvv

                                 mmmmmmm = Fader number:

                                 vvvvvvv = Level 0-7F, top 7 bits                                                                of level or bank number

                         (*)      0        =  Bank select, Selects step range                                                   within stack. 
                                                    vvvvvvv = 0 = Steps 0-99
                                                    vvvvvvv = 1 = Steps 100-199.
                         (*)      1-48     = Paged Virtual fader level,                                                        1-48
                         (*)      49-123   = not used
                         (*)      124      = XF down
                         (*)      125      = XF up
                         (*)      126      = Bumps master
                         (*)      127      = Grand master

    (*)  Code set implemented in current SmartFade versions

    The possible reasons it doesn't work are:

    MIDI channel is wrong
    Memory page number has been changed to a page with no content, check the page number while running the sequencer.  If it sends program changes it will change the page.
    Sequencer is blocking Controller change messages that are not in 16 bit format.  There may be a setting in the application to allow or disallow 8 bit short controller messages.

    Pages are changed as follows:

    Program change

    Program change messages are used to set the current virtual fader page, the current virtual channels page or to jump to a Stack step.

    Select memory page and Stack operation:

    Prog change     

    1100nnnn  0ppppppp

                        ppppppp =    Memory page:

              (*)       0        =    Goto Stack step zero (dead state                                 to allow next fade to step one)
              (*)       1-99     =    Stack step number. See note (1)
              (*)       100-123  =    Memory page number 1-24
              (*)       124      =    GO
              (*)       125      =    PAUSE
              (*)       126      =    Black Out ON
              (*)       127      =    Black Out OFF

  • Just to make sure: You have turned on the MIDI Active setting in the menu?


  • the software version is

    SF ML:



    following is my midi setting:


    setup --> midi settings --> midi channel

    midi     ch

    [1]        On

    setup --> midi settings --> msc device id

    dev id

    [all]      [off]

    setup --> midi settings --> controller patch

    ch                   ctrl

    [a 1]                [---]


    and i found in memory page 1, and memory page 2, the same fader change issue the same midi message.

    besides how can i do to turn on midi active?



  • I have just checked this on a SmartFade 2496 connected to a SmartFade ML.  MIDI music control, of memories for instance, works in both directions.  The settings you have given are correct and should be working.  I now suspect two possibilites:

    1   The console is in channels mode (bumps are green when pressed)  In this mode it will not respond to memory levels or bumps arriving via MIDI.  Put the console into mems mode and try that.

    2   Your sequencer is not actually transmitting the codes to the outside world for some reason.  Could be a MIDI mapper thing, a driver problem in your PC, a bad cable or a software setting inside the sequencer.  Are you really certain that actual real MIDI signals are on the wire to the console? and on the selected MIDI channel?

    Apart from the controller data you have seen (Status B0) which operates memory fader levels you can also try NoteOn/Off commands.  You should be able to connect a normal keyboard directly to SmartFade and play the bump button with the keys.  You will need to set the keyboard to the very lowest octave for this.  This test would prove if the console is receiving any data.  Keyboards do not employ fancy MIDI mapping usually so you just set the channel number and play.  If this works then you can be certain something is not right with the sequencer output.

  • I have just checked this on a SmartFade 2496 connected to a SmartFade ML.  MIDI music control, of memories for instance, works in both directions.  The settings you have given are correct and should be working.  I now suspect two possibilites:

    1   The console is in channels mode (bumps are green when pressed)  In this mode it will not respond to memory levels or bumps arriving via MIDI.  Put the console into mems mode and try that.

    2   Your sequencer is not actually transmitting the codes to the outside world for some reason.  Could be a MIDI mapper thing, a driver problem in your PC, a bad cable or a software setting inside the sequencer.  Are you really certain that actual real MIDI signals are on the wire to the console? and on the selected MIDI channel?

    Apart from the controller data you have seen (Status B0) which operates memory fader levels you can also try NoteOn/Off commands.  You should be able to connect a normal keyboard directly to SmartFade and play the bump button with the keys.  You will need to set the keyboard to the very lowest octave for this.  This test would prove if the console is receiving any data.  Keyboards do not employ fancy MIDI mapping usually so you just set the channel number and play.  If this works then you can be certain something is not right with the sequencer output.

No Data