Smartfade 1248 Tutorials?

I hope you can help me find tutorial materials for the Smartfade 1248. Or any other kind of training materials?

We’ve found the 1248 manual to be pretty sparse, and it seems to assume a high level of previous experience with Smartfade boards. Many of my users need step by step documentation to learn how to use the board to do basic tasks for programming a show.

I was excited to find an old post from David Lincecum, below, but the link

( doesn’t seem to work any more. Like so many of the links I've found on the website, it just kicks me out to the intro page - no error message, no "page not found"or anything.

Thanks for any help you can offer!

Kind regards,

Alan Becker

Smartfade Training videos

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Many people do not know about the flash based Smartfade tutorials we have on our website.


You can find them here

 I made these videos to assist people in learning the SmartFade console.  Please watch them. I probably need to update these soon so I would appreciate any feedback.

