Martin smartMac profile

Anyone know if the new Martin smartMac unit (16 bit) might be included in an upcoming profile update?  Or maybe the American DJ LED Mega Bar?



  • Hello,

    Yes the Martin SmartMAC, both 8 and 16 bit, is in the next library.  It will be posted on the Beta forum in the very near future and we expect a full release very soon.  The lib. version is 4.7.2.

    All these American DJ products will also be included:

    American DJ          Mega Bar LED                   2 channel                              
    American DJ          Mega Bar LED                   3 channel                              
    American DJ          Mega Bar LED                   4 channel                              
    American DJ          Mega Bar LED                   7 channel                              
    American DJ          Mega Flash                                                            
    American DJ          Mega Pixel LED                 3 channel                              
    American DJ          Mega Pixel LED                 4 channel                              
    American DJ          Mega Pixel LED                 7 channel
