Many lights coming on at once

Hey, I've just started up using the SmartFade once again, and I don't really remember which model it is because the sign has faded. Sorry about that. I've been wondering, how can I get so many lights to stop coming on at once? It's really bugging me, because my theatre has different lights for different scenes in our play, and the wrong lights are coming up during rehearsal. Help, please? We actually have a pretty decent theatre, and we can't have a lot of clusters of lights coming up on the same number. I've tried switching where the converters are placed, but it's not really working.
  • First of all, are you in channel mode? Do the bumps color under the faders is green? If they ere red, you are using memories, eventually containing complete scenes. Try to push the ch1-48 button (or the INT A or INT B button on a Smartfade ML) and move some faders.

    If this is not the case and you where using channel faders, then perhaps the patching is wrong. This could be fysicaly (Hard Patch), e.g. two fixtures or more connected together through wiring. Or this could also be in software (Soft Patch), possibly at dimmer level or at console level. Let's assume there's a soft patch at your console. You can easily see this in Smartsoft on pc/mac switching to the patch window. There you can look at the patch bby moving the mouse over the numbers.

    The easiest way to assure your patch, is to first save the current patch to a card for backup (menu -> settings -> save patch) and then create a new patch. the easiest way is a 1 to 1 patch. This is done by selecting special patch -> 1 to 1.

    This is also explained in the manual.






