SmartSoft - Skip around cues in a stack?


I am using the latest SmartSoft release to control my SmartFade 2496.  Is there a way while playing back a cue stack to skip cues or go back to an earlier cue?


Mark Wyse

  • Hi there -

    What you're looking for is the Jump to Step function, described in the v2.0 user manual at the top of page 61. Press and hold the STACK key and then use the wheel to scroll to the step you would like to jump to. This should place that step in the "B" or "next" position on the crossfader. Press GO to fade into that step.

    Thanks -



  • Hi there -

    What you're looking for is the Jump to Step function, described in the v2.0 user manual at the top of page 61. Press and hold the STACK key and then use the wheel to scroll to the step you would like to jump to. This should place that step in the "B" or "next" position on the crossfader. Press GO to fade into that step.

    Thanks -


