Chauvet Colorstrip Flickers no matter what DMX Speed is used - happened after 2.0 upgrade


I have a SmartFade 1248 controller with an eDIN 4-way Installation Opto Splitter.  My 4 Chauvet Colorstrips are off of one leg of the splitter and they are the only thing on the line.  As far as I know, everything is terminated properly.

Before we upgraded to 2.0 (from 1.7.1) we could fix the flicker by changing the dmx out speed.  It didn't matter what we changed it to (medium or slow), we just needed to change it once per show and the flickering stopped.  After we upgraded, the flickering continues no matter what DMX speed we used.

Has anybody seen this before?  Did the upgrade of the software do anything to change the DMX speed?  Could my splitter be causing a problem?  I am very new to DMX, so I'm not sure where to go for help.



[edited by: rwing at 9:08 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jan 4 2009]
  • Hi Rob,

    We are investigating - we believe some timings may have changed in the DMX output code in the software, and are running some tests here with a Chauvet fixture. I'll let you know when I have more information. In the mean time it is worth trying connecting a fixture directly to the console (without the DMX splitter and cabling) just to prove this is due to the console and not anything to do with the cable or splitter.



  • The units are installed, and would take some time to remove and then replace.  I'd rather not take on this if I don't have to.  Since it worked before, I would think that it has to be do to the upgrade, that's the only thing that changed.


  • Fair enough. We seem to have reproduced this problem with a Chauvet unit in the office, so it does look like the timing change may be the issue, although it should be stressed that the timings are still perfectly legitimate within the DMX standard. Once we've narrowed it down a bit more I will send you a PM with details. If you need a fix more urgently let me know, we might have to look at some kind of DMX regeneration solution like a DMXter or Microscope.


  • Fair enough. We seem to have reproduced this problem with a Chauvet unit in the office, so it does look like the timing change may be the issue, although it should be stressed that the timings are still perfectly legitimate within the DMX standard. Once we've narrowed it down a bit more I will send you a PM with details. If you need a fix more urgently let me know, we might have to look at some kind of DMX regeneration solution like a DMXter or Microscope.

