Roboscan Pro 518 Profile for the SFML

Is there a fixture profile for the Roboscan Pro 518 available for the SFML?  I can cook one up in a few minutes as a custom profile, but I'd really like to have all of the data ranges for color values and gobo values work out.  This was a relatively common fixture, and albeit old, it would probably be something good to have in the software.

By the way, major props to ETC on this console.  It fills a void that has been a gaping chasm in the console market for some time.

  • Hi there -

    SFML doesn't support ranges on parameters directly, so whether we produce the template or you build your own, it will end up with the same info in it. :-) You can use the palettes for color and beam to create color and gobo selects for those fixtures once you get them patched, which will make selecting colors and gobos a lot easier.

    That being said, it appears the 518 is not in the current library. I'll ask that it be added to the list for a future library version.

    I hope this helps -



  • Thanks - I'll just make one then and wait for a real one to come out in a software update.  The 518 is a screwy fixture because it has gobo and gobo rotate on the same channel, so I just have to make workaround palettes for the rotation of various gobos.
