Linking cues in the stack on SF 2496

Can you link cues in the stack on a Smartfade 2496 to get a constant looping effect?  I know you can jump to whichever step you like, and I know you can assign unique fade up, fade down, & wait times but I don't see anything in the instructions that would allow me to endlessly loop just a few steps of the stack & turn the stack into many little loops.  It seems as if I may be able to do this using sequences.  This is fine as long as the sequence can fade in & out of each step and not just bump from step to step like a traditional chase function (although it seems like it can do that too).  Also, can you have multiple sequences running at one time?  Thanks!   

  • Hello,

    It is possible to make the stack loop, just put a wait time on the last step.  That will loop the entire stack list.  It is not possible to build several small loops inside the stack list, that function is not supported.

    The sequences on submaster faders (4 at a time on SmartFade and 12 at a time on SmartFade ML) can be programmed with in and out times independently for each step.  So they can act as looped cue lists in the way you describe.

