Setting up a random flashing of the lights

I am a stone cold rookie on this. I have been running lights for the High School play for several years and this is hte first year to have this control. I have been able to figure out how to set different groupings of lights on a single fader in MEM, but I cannot figure out how to cause the lights (18 total on the light bar) to flash in a random pattern.

We got the lights and controls on Wednesday, I found a manual o nthe internet yesterday. The play opens tonight. Any help on how to program this would be great!



  • Hello,

    You did not say which version it is, Smartfade or SmartFade ML.  I will assume it is SmartFade.

    There is a function exactly for this purpose, the MAGIC button.  To make a Magic sequence do this:

    Press MEMS and put one of the last 4 faders to full (21-24 on a small SmartFade, 45-48 on a big SmartFade).

    Press REC SEQ, pick the bump button under the fader you set to full.

    Press MAGIC.  Now turn on the bumps of the channels you want to put the effect on, each one will turn on green and stay on.  These are the channels that will be included.  The order you select them in does not matter, MAGIC will randomise it anyway.  Now Press MAGIC again and a random sequence will be produced.  You should see it running on your lights.  The order of the steps will be random but the step times will all be the same. 

    Now, look at the LCD screen message:  You may alter the ampount of order or disorder of the times with the dial.  100% measn order, i.e. all the steps are the same length, 0% means complete desorder, the steps range in times from zero to the value set on the lower line of the display.  Press Enter (the tick mark button under the LCD) to move to the 2nd line and alter the settings for times.

    You may press MAGIC again and again and each time it will use the order and time values and the steps chosen to make a new random sequence.  When you see one you like the look of press REC SEQ again to complete the programming.  Now you have your random sequence.

    You may Edit the sequence content and timing by pressing Enter and dialing to the Sequence menu.  For this you should probably read the manual.


    good luck with your show!

  • Thanks for the quick reply.  I am sorry it is the Smartfade ML. I hope that does not make a difference. I will be back at ths school in about 2 hours and will give this a try.

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