showfiles from SmartFade 2496 to other SmartFades

Are showfiles from a SmartFade 24/96 compatible or transferable to for instance a SmartFade 12/96?

Is it possible to load showfiles from other version of Smartfade and use them within the limitations of the Smartfade they are running on?

If not, is there a way (program) to convert showfiles? (also to other formats would be usefull e.g. to ADB or Zero88)


  • The showfiles themselves are a custom extension of the USITT ASCII format.

    Any console that claims to import USITT ASCII format will be able to get most of the data from them - they may not get everything, but it should be enough to start with.

    However, they almost certainly won't get the moving light and effect information from a SmartFade ML, as USITT ASCII doesn't have a standard for this.

    Adam or Anders will have to answer the compatibility question - I know that SmartFade ML files are not compatible with the rest of the SmartFade family, but I'm not certain about the others.

  • The showfiles themselves are a custom extension of the USITT ASCII format.

    Any console that claims to import USITT ASCII format will be able to get most of the data from them - they may not get everything, but it should be enough to start with.

    However, they almost certainly won't get the moving light and effect information from a SmartFade ML, as USITT ASCII doesn't have a standard for this.

    Adam or Anders will have to answer the compatibility question - I know that SmartFade ML files are not compatible with the rest of the SmartFade family, but I'm not certain about the others.

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