Live conventional + moving light control


Another question for the forum.

I'm new to the SFML and to the world of moving lights.

Would like to be able to control both conventional lights and moving lights (pan & tilt for follow spot) live - at the same time.

Contact at ETC says that's not possible on this board.

Installing engineer says it is - but hasn't had time to explain.

I can get them all to work at the same time (to a set/final cue), but I don't have LIVE pan&tilt (as in using the moving light as a follow spot) without going to the device sel - and then I lose conventional light control.

I've tried to patch the independents to the pan (ind1) & tilt (ind2) dmx addresses.  No luck.  Unless I'm not doing something right.

I'm working with a High End Studio Spot 250.  FYI - it actually has 2 addresses each for pan and tilt: fine & coarse.

Is midi the answer?

Or can it not be done without a separate controller & separate DMX run from the moving light?

I would much appreciate any suggestions!

Here's hoping!

  • Hi there -

    Changing the select buttons to Device Select should not keep you from controlling your conventionals on your faders. You should be able to use the encoders to control your pan/tilt while the faders are set to Mems or to Int A/B to control your conventionals. What you can't do is have your faders mapped to parameter control for your movers while also controlling your conventional dimmers. Make sense?

    Mapping P/T to your independents is a bad idea. :-)

    I hope this helps -



  • I used the method above in Sarah's post, in a recent show with conventionals and moving lights on the smartfade ML. Suddenly the dancers were at the other side of the stage than in the rehearsal, so I altered the pan/tilt from the movers with the encoders, while still having control over the conventionals. However this console is a single track-list / cue-list console and you do not want to make a habbit off such things unless you know the console very well.

  • I used the method above in Sarah's post, in a recent show with conventionals and moving lights on the smartfade ML. Suddenly the dancers were at the other side of the stage than in the rehearsal, so I altered the pan/tilt from the movers with the encoders, while still having control over the conventionals. However this console is a single track-list / cue-list console and you do not want to make a habbit off such things unless you know the console very well.

  • Thanks, Jeroen.

    I have yet to get back to the board to try Sarah's idea.  Though I did give it a "dry run" on smartsoft - Obvious when I opened my eyes and noticed Pan/Tilt was alive and well in the screen right above those encoders!

    Our dancers surprised me as well.  Actually, I was doing the whole "talent show" without benefit of rehearsal.

    Making that a habit is a scary thing!

    Thanks for your input.

