Hi quick question, I patched 6 movers, 10 LED's from channels 1 thru 138 on universe 1.
one concept that kind of perplexes me a bit is how the second universe works. Now that i have my intelligent fixtures patched, i'd like a standard one to one patch for my dimmer rack, which varies from 1 to 40 channels on any given day. since the console can do 48 i'm fine. But how do i address all that? I'd like to run that from universe 2. So if i patch by dimmer where do i start? Since there are 512 channels in U1 do i start at 513? No right? does universe 2 just start over at it's own address 1? Does each universe have it's own 1-512?
sorry if that's to confusing a question. and now that i read the manual it appears by default U1 is already patched one to one... so did that patch get erased when i patched my movers on the same channels?